

不斷地查攻略看別人遊記,就只是爲了走其他普通旅行者走過的常規路線? 讓住在那個城市的當地人告訴你怎麽玩才是最地道最爽的吧,下載途客指南,旅行不走尋常路!究竟哪些地方最值得玩?哪些美食不得不嘗?哪些紀念品非買不可?當地人和我們一起,為您精心挑選傾情推薦,讓你玩得地道深入。 途客圈城市指南特色:-- 當...

Names of Allah

Names of Allah gives you the information needed to understand what each of the 99 names of Allah means with calligraphy, audio and the benefit of reci...


This application comes in handy for people who wants to see the produced color of a given format (Hex or RGB). Very useful for Web Designers, Graphic ...

iSheepLife Theme

This app is for people who knows anyone who is an Apple die hard fan and no matter what you tell them, they continue to find ways to show how Apple iO...

US Presidents

Since the independence of United States of America, we had and still do, to this day have one leader, the President. Learn about our President and oth...

Andro Versions

Get to know all about Android, from release dates to their codenames are available from this app. Need to know what is in your phone? This app also di...


Going somewhere? Use TollCulator to calculate and track your total toll fare expenses.• Add individual toll for each location• View total toll fare fo...