像素风格的横版跳跃冒险,居然一登场还先讲个故事。大意就是男孩和女孩相亲相爱,男孩说我送你个礼物吧。女孩说好啊,那我要一束花。男孩二话没说,不知道画了什么给女孩。女孩两眼一黑就倒下了。男孩哭了,然后就开始了这场充满危险的旅途呢。 游戏玩法没什么好说的,亮点在于男孩还有攀爬墙壁的技能,就是方向键加跳跃键...
像素风格的横版跳跃冒险,居然一登场还先讲个故事。大意就是男孩和女孩相亲相爱,男孩说我送你个礼物吧。女孩说好啊,那我要一束花。男孩二话没说,不知道画了什么给女孩。女孩两眼一黑就倒下了。男孩哭了,然后就开始了这场充满危险的旅途呢。 游戏玩法没什么好说的,亮点在于男孩还有攀爬墙壁的技能,就是方向键加跳跃键...
相約天空天氣,現在Playstore最美麗的,準確的和舒緩的應用程序! 天空天氣使(永遠循環的視頻動畫)與所有在旅途中的重要氣象信息的優雅的設計和獨特的動態壁紙的完美平衡! 它具有晝夜的變化,最重要的與氣象條件的變化外顯示在主屏幕上最驚人的圖形! 你知道最有趣的部分是什麼.....共有18天氣場景都...
內容介紹 : 由谷歌開源和捐贈。 其他地方找到我們: http://goo.gl/XWjRg (谷歌加) http://groups.google.com/group/google-sky-map http://twitter.com/skymapdevs 關鍵詞:天文館,天文學,skymap免費...
"Price down 50%! (Until 2012/5/7)"The iPhone version of Memonade which won popularity with the iPad version appears! - Early starting.- A memo is writ...
기능이 많다고 효율이 좋은건 아니잖아요?적절한 기능이면 좋겠는데... 기능이 너무 많아 복잡하고 기능을 익히다 보면 정작 기능을 익히는데 시간을 빼앗길 때가 많습니다기능적인것 보다는 간단하고 심플하게메모를 관리해 드립니다!!펜을 들고 노트에 한자 두자 적어가듯이 버튼을...
Memopal it's a free APP that allows you to Search and Share anytime, anywhere, files of all your computers protected by Memopal from your iPhone or iP...
Not to mention the camera which is a memo pad application which sticks a picture and can leave a comment, or an album, MemoPicture(Common name: MemoPi...
It is extremely simple memo application. This app is easy-to-use simple UI.Function button appears from under a memo-edit screen. It can be shared wit...
Try MemoProcessor !!MemoProcessor helps you to keep track of your appointments, to-do-lists, ideas and more!Use the fun and colorful "draw" feature to...
Many apps help your store and sort information. Yet, the best memory is still your brain. You can misplace your tablet (hope not), but your brain is a...