

是一款挖矿-卖钱-升级装备的策略休闲游戏。像素风格的界面很有一种复古的感觉。 游戏的操作非常简单,只要点击屏幕就可以控制你的矿工一路向下挖矿。你需要在时间结束前挖到足够的矿物换得金币来升级你的装备。 游戏一共有六个部件可以升级,比如升级工具可以让挖矿更快,升级钟表可以让你有更多时间挖矿等 地底越深的...

Ultra Clima

The world’s first energy neutral greenhouseWith the Ultra Clima® iPad application you will be able to monitor the performance of your Ultra Clima® gre...


Ultimate Frisbee scoreboard. High contrast text for good visibility in daylight. Quick access to viewing and emailing the game history. Location detec...


The Ultimate Golf app is the companion app used at the Ultimate Golf day in Western Australia in May. This app allows you to keep score whilst enjoyin...