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VocalTwit is a software that enable its users do record small tweetcasts (9 sec of recorded voice) and share it with his followers from twitterThe sou...

Low Power

The SiM3L1xx Low Power Webcam is your real time view into the power consumption of the Silicon Labs SiM3L1xx low power 32-bit microcontrollers. With t...


众所周知,不同民族的人们对自己母语的学习都是从“听”开始的。离开了最初的“听”的输入,“说”也无重谈起。学英语和学母语一样,也是始于一个 “听”字。离开最初的听,读音和形意之间的联系就不可能联系起来,所以,听是学习英语的初始动力。如果英语学习能像我们在自然环境下学习母语的情况就好了,为弥补这一-重大...