

財團法人釋迦牟尼佛救世基金會官方APP正式上線!財團法人釋迦牟尼佛救世基金會,由禪宗第八十五代宗師 悟覺妙天禪師所創。本基金會的宗旨,致力於扭轉目前錯誤的修行觀念,喚醒所有修行人,妙轉意識及相法修行,轉為世尊二千五百多年前所傳之正法修行。讓更多修行人,因修持禪宗正法而能明心見性,見佛成佛。希望同修與...

Spinach Salad

Spinach Salad RecipesRich in iron and calcium, spinach is a go-to ingredient for healthy eating. Elevate the humble leaf to tasty heights with one of ...

Spinach Quiche

This super cheesy spinach quiche is baked in my favorite homemade pie crust. Impress all your brunch guests with this recipe!Download And Share The Ap...