
Bahamut Poker

“Bahamut&Poker” is a game in which a player as Mr.Bahamut, a main character, beat enemies and train himself. [ MISSSION ] "MISSION" is the mode which ...

我愛梭哈(Showhands Poker 德州撲克)

梭哈是世界撲克大賽(WSOP)核心賽制之一,流行於歐美港臺,也是80年代風靡華人地區的《賭神》《賭俠》《賭聖》系列電影中的撲克玩法。《我愛梭哈》玩家將獲得7張手牌,從中選取5張進行比牌,大牌概率更高,玩法更多變,更刺激! 牌型比較:皇家同花順>同花順> 四條> 葫蘆> 同花> 順子> 三條> 兩對...

德州撲克 神來也奧馬哈德州撲克

內容介紹 : 好萊塢巨星的最愛! WSOP世界撲克錦標賽指定玩法! 【神來也】全新推出奧馬哈德州撲克Omaha poker玩法更刺激、大牌機率UP、UP、UP! 。 手牌四選二,同花順機率Double! 。 加注無上限,ALL-IN清空對手最爽快 。 免註冊,遊客帳號立刻玩 =神來也奧馬哈德州撲克...

Animals puzzle

The goal of the puzzle is to collect the pieces of the picture. The puzzle is solved, when all parts are correctly assembled in the picture.FEATURES:-...

Dogs puzzle

The goal of the puzzle is to collect the pieces of the picture. The puzzle is solved, when all parts are correctly assembled in the picture.FEATURES:-...

Flowers puzzle

The goal of the puzzle is to collect the pieces of the picture. The puzzle is solved, when all parts are correctly assembled in the picture.FEATURES:-...

Nature puzzle

The goal of the puzzle is to collect the pieces of the picture. The puzzle is solved, when all parts are correctly assembled in the picture.FEATURES:-...

Space puzzle

The goal of the puzzle is to collect the pieces of the picture. The puzzle is solved, when all parts are correctly assembled in the picture.FEATURES:-...