One of the most original and addictive game on Google Play.Help GoodBubble to kill all BadBubbles approaching by tapping them! Gain high level to unlo...
One of the most original and addictive game on Google Play.Help GoodBubble to kill all BadBubbles approaching by tapping them! Gain high level to unlo...
快来参加乐乐的生日派对吧!学习纯正的美式英语,像美国本土人那样流利的说英语! 风靡欧美的”Lola ABC启蒙英语派对“是一款专为5至8岁小朋友设计的趣味英语字母游戏。游戏画面精美、操作简单,内容充满智慧和学习意义。和北智公司之乐乐熊猫™系列的其它经典游戏一样,这是一款深受小朋友欢迎的妙趣横生、寓教...
全新的“Lola ABC启蒙英语派对“,为小朋友的英语学习增添无限乐趣!小朋友们在使用英语完成有趣的游戏和任务的过程中, 将游戏中的英语知识转化为自己的能力。小朋友们在庆祝生日派对的同时,逐渐掌握26个英文字母。通过合理搭配各个游戏任务和极具娱乐性的过场小游戏,让孩子尽情陶醉在游戏与学习中。在熟练掌...
快来参加乐乐的生日派对吧!学习纯正的美式英语,像美国本土人那样流利的说英语! 风靡欧美的”乐乐的ABC生日派对“是一款专为5至8岁小朋友设计的趣味英语字母游戏。游戏画面精美、操作简单,内容充满智慧和学习意义。和北智公司之乐乐熊猫™系列的其它经典游戏一样,这是一款深受小朋友欢迎的妙趣横生、寓教于乐的儿...
需要flash 满满的都是乐趣!在欢快的游戏中受到启蒙,宝宝学习英语字母会爱不释手!让宝宝在快乐中启迪智力、激发潜能,使宝宝健康地成长。宝宝学习英语,so easy! 还在为选择哪个学习字母的应用而发愁么?那么试试这个,爸爸妈妈的首选! 如何开始:游戏加载完毕持续点击播放按钮即可开始游戏。免費玩猫咪...
Teach toddlers to read and recognize English alphabets with this little game. Tab all 5 bubbles containing alphabets, andyour kids with be filled with...
The application helps kids to remember the English alphabets and numbers by playing like a fun game. The application is ad free and developed using a ...
Pop! Pop! Pop! Blow bubbles by dragging your finger across the screen or blow a giant bubble by holding your finger in place. Then tap on them to pop....
A simple arcade game where player must fill the screen with bubbles or other objects. Small, flying creatures will try to stop him, and come more and ...