慧智臨床基因醫學實驗室已針對數十種不同的遺傳疾病建立起各自的基因診斷方式,運用各種基因診斷平台相輔相成以達到最高的準確率。 本實驗室也不斷研發各種新的基因診斷技術,除了現有的診斷項目之外,只要您的家族擔心有遺傳疾病,歡迎您前往基因諮詢門診,進行完整的家族史評估與基因諮詢,經醫師評估後,我們可以提供量...
慧智臨床基因醫學實驗室已針對數十種不同的遺傳疾病建立起各自的基因診斷方式,運用各種基因診斷平台相輔相成以達到最高的準確率。 本實驗室也不斷研發各種新的基因診斷技術,除了現有的診斷項目之外,只要您的家族擔心有遺傳疾病,歡迎您前往基因諮詢門診,進行完整的家族史評估與基因諮詢,經醫師評估後,我們可以提供量...
賽亞基因科技公司以人類基因組為研發重點, 致力疾病與單一核甘酸多型性(Single Nucleotide Polymorphism,SNP)的關聯研究,從事藥物基因組學(Pharmacogenomics)研究與臨床應用開發,目前已完成多項藥物療效與基因關聯性分析檢測產品及疾病基因功能研究成果,是國際...
It is a racy novel that it can enjoy both children and adults. It is said the smallest dog in Japan, and grows up to man while expressing dog's feelin...
It is a racy novel that it can enjoy both children and adults. It is said the smallest dog in Japan, and grows up to man while expressing dog's feelin...
Many of the pages have an optional “Paint Me” feature for children to finger paint the pages and create their own custom version of the book. Addition...
Hvorfor er AppleWorld dyrere end andre reparatører?Hos Appleworld er kvalitet i højsædet, vi anvender kun reservedele af bedste kvalitet for at du som...
Show off your reflexes !Catch a partner for a bluetooth connection, and there you go !Between attacks, parades, and counter-attacks, prove that your r...
S’il devait exister un seul livre sur la magie, à l’initiation à la cabbale, à l’occultisme ce serait celui-ci, en effet son auteur : Eliphas Lévi est...
Rewire and steal cars by rewiring them to avoid the alarms. This is a puzzle game.You must pass a wire through all the systems of a car except the ala...
"DOG. CAT. CHICKEN." is a light-hearted tale of love for children of all ages. It includes 20 pages of an interactive story, with playful sounds and f...