
雾尼 Munin

《雾尼 Munin》是一款欧神话布景的文艺风冒险解谜游戏,以改造地势,,使用机关解谜进行闯关为首要玩法。游戏水彩画风虽不富丽但朴素文艺,烘托出奥秘唯美而厚重的气氛,适当有艺术气质。在北欧神话中,奥丁一共有两只乌鸦:福金和霧尼,前者代表思维,后者代表回忆。洛基把奥丁膀子上的乌鸦的毛给搞丢了,散落在国际...


北欧神话背景的文艺风冒险解谜游戏,以改造地形、利用机关解谜进行闯关为主要玩法。游戏水彩画风虽不华丽但朴素文艺,烘托出神秘唯美而厚重的气氛,相当有艺术气质。 在北欧神话中,奥丁一共有两只乌鸦:福金和霧尼,前者代表思想,后者代表记忆。洛基把奥丁肩膀上的乌鸦的毛给搞丢了,散落在世界树的九大区域。愤怒的奥丁...

Tracking Easy

App will help you to show your current location and current address on map, tracking your friend with code, share location via SMS, save place, see st...


RealTime is a dialer that allows to make cheap International calls*.* You need a VOIP account to make calls.* In some countries VOIP is illegal. Pleas...


Carlot helps you save your location by naming and taking a picture of the saved location right on the spot. You will have a list of saved locations as...