

This app have got two parts:1 Table of Linux basic commands2 A Linux emulator online.Better for tablets or devices with good processor.Please be patie...


Is it the time to master Linux interview questions and answers. Here we present you the whole collection all at once. This is exactly what you need, a...


踏進《主廚的餐廳:美食大作戰》的美味世界,在這裡展現你的料理技巧。你可以在全世界六間餐廳裡做菜,熟記當地料理中令人垂涎的菜單,供應「可口番茄漢堡」、「威尼斯派」和香辣的「墨西哥麵餅盒」。別忘了注意供餐狀況,準時訂購新鮮的食材,像個專家一樣管理你的餐廳。 一群群饑餓的顧客進到你的餐廳裡坐下,你必須迅速...

Route 66 Bingo

Route 66 travelers: turn your Route 66 travel adventure into a reality game: Route 66 Bingo! Complete a Bingo card of the Route 66 locations that you'...