

2014 手机和平板电脑巨制作,每个人必须收藏。通过漫画讓你全家人对阿弥陀佛和释迦牟尼佛有更深入的認識和了解。阿隬陀佛成道之本缘,据无量寿经卷上载,过去久远劫世自在王佛住世时,有一国王发无上道心,舍王位出家,名为法藏比丘,于世自在王佛处修行,熟知诸佛之净土,历经五劫之思虑而发殊胜之四十八愿。此后,不...

釋迦牟尼佛傳 白話

(原安裝舊版本的大德,歡迎移除並改裝此具記憶功能之版本)閱讀說明1、本程式並無任何廣告,讓您可以靜心閱讀,祝您法喜充滿。2、更多資訊與版本,歡迎至「智慧寶庫」http://peace2.twbbs.org 網站善書區下載。(PDF繁簡、EPUB繁簡、APK等)3、【本書乃網友分享重編製作如有侵犯,敬...

Luck 2

For completing the levels need luck: you have to dial the set number of points, they are typed by pressing the green button, which is hidden behind th...


Try your luck!!! You have to guess when you click on which of the buttons, it will glow green. This increases your score. The more points - the higher...

Luck USA

This is an app that I was asked to make by my school housemaster.It is based on a game that uses the random function on calculators.I would have a pie...