热词榜 HitUp 提供实时互联网关键热词指数,帮助用户从智能手机和平板电脑获取世界各地头条新闻上的热词。可在热词榜 HitUp 查看各地最火的前十名热词。触摸右上角的选单可切换排名的统计方式,同时还提供如热门、体育、娱乐、财经、科技、生活等分类热榜。只要浏览热词榜 HitUp,就可一目了然最近的当...
热词榜 HitUp 提供实时互联网关键热词指数,帮助用户从智能手机和平板电脑获取世界各地头条新闻上的热词。可在热词榜 HitUp 查看各地最火的前十名热词。触摸右上角的选单可切换排名的统计方式,同时还提供如热门、体育、娱乐、财经、科技、生活等分类热榜。只要浏览热词榜 HitUp,就可一目了然最近的当...
金恒发 编著新时代信息爆炸,新的词汇、语言层出不穷。各个学科领域迅猛发展,世界变成了一个地球村,这对新的词汇的产生更有推波助澜之势。 人是社会的人,情感的人,也是经济的人。当代人更加关注财经资讯,但是对于其中冒出的新词,你很有了解的必要。本书收集了不少很有意思的财经新词,有暇时,浏览财经热词,一定让...
蘇打綠(Sodagreen)是一個臺灣樂團,於2001年組成,並在2003年時確立了現在的六人陣容。除了阿龔為國立臺北藝術大學音樂研究所的學生外,其餘五名成員都曾就讀國立政治大學。 2003年7月,蘇打綠在海洋音樂祭小舞臺演出,在此次活動中結識音樂製作人林暐哲,並成為林暐哲音樂社旗下藝人。2004年...
中文咖啡(ChineseCafe)☆ the application is for Japanese , English user, please use the another version of "Chinese Cafe". ☆該中文學習軟件系列,是專門為中文學習者和中文愛好者而設計。每個中...
"WarpOut is a very cool puzzle game with all the right factors" — raywenderlich.comWarpOut is a revolution in the world of block games.Blocks drift ar...
This application helps you train your memory by showing some numbers and making you remember them. The percentage of your correct answer would be stor...
Become a hero as a world war 2 pilot as you fight your way in a sky infested with enemies. You must shoot them down at all cost. Are you prepared to m...
Memorize the cute animals and train you brain!This APP show some animals for a few seconds. Memorize all the displayed animals and tap the animals you...
Become a hero as a world war 2 pilot as you fight your way in a sky infested with enemies. You must shoot them down at all cost. Are you prepared to m...
Memorizer HD free is a great game to train your memory.Great for kids and adults!And all in great HD quality!Optimised for tablets.Train your brain in...