

宮廷計是款以古裝為題材的角色扮演手遊,玩家因故穿越到某個不知名朝代, 成為宮女或小書僮,為了在險惡的宮中生存,唯有透過勾心鬥角、結交盟友、 拉攏同好,並提升皇帝的好感等等手段爬上頂峰,最終成為皇后或監國, 權傾天下。 【遊戲特色】 ●精美的皇宮、皇城地圖,讓玩家們身歷其境。 ●華麗古代服飾作為搭配,...

Wicklow App

Whether you are local or a visitor to Wicklow, this free app will show you everything to see and do in picturesque Wicklow. The Wicklow app will provi...

Meath App

Whether you are local or a visitor to Meath, this free app will show you everything to see and do in picturesque Meath. The Meath app will provide you...

Canmore App

Canmore in the palm of your hands…Whether you are local or a visitor to Canmore, this free app will show you everything to see and do in picturesque C...

Limerick App

Limerick in the palm of your hands…Whether you are local or a visitor to Limerick, this free app will show you everything to see and do in picturesque...


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