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讓我們—起來享受虛擬烹飪——利用你的智慧型手機或平板電腦,運用現實的控制和音效來實現切、攪、磨、翻以及更多的烹飪技巧。最後再加上美乃滋或其他醬料,你的料理就準備好了。大家都很喜愛虛擬烹飪!「食譜頁面」包含食材和份量,而鳥取縣的主頁連結,則提供許多關於日本鳥取優質食品的有用資訊。### "nebari...

Wine Guide

Download guide of Bohemian and Moravian viticulture and be like a real sommelier. Extensive information of the mobile guide are contained in Czech and...

My Wines

With My Wines you can carry and share a list of your favorite wines on your mobile device.In your custom list of My Wines you can add all the details ...

Wine Notes

Wine Notes is the comprehensive journaling app for your Android device. Wine Notes allows you to catalog your personal impression on your favorite win...