

本APP為利用「客家委员会资料开放平台」之开放资料打造而成,网罗客家文化重点发展区之客庄景点、桐花景点步道、参与客家文物联营之地方馆舍、好客卡特约商店、「客家美食HAKKA FOOD」认证餐厅及年度客家民俗节庆活动等资讯,并提供"附近景点"功能,可就近搜寻附近之相关资讯,吃喝玩乐应有尽有,让您从生活...


Help Boness earn points by jumping from one pod to another, while earning extra points from blocking objects from hitting him, and fighting off birds ...

Push Party

What turns an ordinary party into a super party? PushParty! Click-to-action - the party starts immediately as soon as you start PushParty! Amazing app...

Black Hole HD

A terrifying treat is absorbing every living and not living object for thousands of kilometers the BLACKHOLE. Try to save the blue asteroids from the ...