

============聖約翰神聖的啟示圖書(Schnorr由朱利葉斯的插圖)============傳道書虛榮的面盆傳道書的舊約聖經和猶太的詩意和智慧的書籍的一部分,之後的諺語書和宋歌前[1] [2]。本書以它的名字從七十借用和希伯來文聖經被稱為Kohelet(קהלת)。雖然它的意義不明朗,這個...


===========================基督教文獻。英文版本===========================聖經。古斯塔夫·多爾的舊Testament.with插圖(從希臘τὰβιβλίαTA biblia“書”),“聖經”是猶太教和基督教的主要宗教文本集合。有沒有普通版的聖經,...

snap it

SnapIt is an exciting and innovative app where you compete against other friends in a quick fire race to find the chosen object. Within the app there ...

Roadie Lite

You are an amateur rockband's trusty roadie, schedules are again tight and it's up to you to get everything in right place before showtime. So...