

简介: ☆ 免费的万人在线交友、趣味答题竞技游戏。 ☆ 在这里,你可以轻松地挑战自我,可以与亲朋好友一决高下,也可以和陌生的高手'不打不相识'。 ☆ 如果你才高八斗、智慧超群,便可以稳坐冠军宝座,尽享'笑傲江湖''一览众山小'的感觉! 特色: ☆ 集娱乐、益智、交友等多重功能。 ☆ 百万题库种类纷繁...

AVer VC 101

AVer VC 101 is an all-in-one app that provides essential information about product features, add-on features, marketing materials and the purchasing o...


This really simple and useful app helps you to calculate average on itemsets. You can create and manage your own groups (like university, college, spe...


ATInfo connects to an AvaTax Calc account and displays configuration information. This application is designed to assist with the installation, config...