妖怪知識 問題集

妖怪知識 問題集


雞寶廚房 ~妖怪村~

「雞寶廚房 ~妖怪村~」是「雞寶廚房」開發團隊全新製作的新遊戲! 挑戰反應力的極限,隨著達成的任務越多,就能打出更多的妖怪雞。 有髑髏雞、幽靈雞…等妖怪雞寶陸續登場,不同的妖怪雞有不同的打法喔!各個關卡同時提供了世界排行榜,玩家可以和所有玩家一較高下。趕快開始遊戲,以收集所有種類的小雞為最終目標吧!...


AUZEF, İstanbul Üniversitesi bünyesinde bulunan Açık ve Uzaktan Eğitim Fakültesidir. Açık ve Uzaktan Eğitim Fakültesi, öğrencilerine dünyanın neresind...

Wade AR

Wade AR gives you a new way to look at the world and find out more about our services through your smartphone or tablet.You can give us feedback and l...

Staffs Live AR

Staffs Live AR gives you a new way to look at the world and find out more about our services through your smartphone or tablet. You can give us feedba...


Readers of Kraze Club! magazine can now access exciting new content with this FREE augmented reality app! Watch in amazement as your Kraze Club! magaz...