

梦想成真电子书是中华会计网校(www.chinaacc.com)基于梦想成真纸质书推出的移动阅读精品应用,结合梦想成真纸质书、移动课堂的学习效果更佳! 梦想成真系列丛书 具有以下优势: 权威:参照教材、大纲编写 专业:一流专家悉心编写 优质:考情、考点预测精准 全面:应试指导+经典题解 +全真模拟+...

Whop Whop

Touch the monster to catch it on it's highest and he will give you points based on your reaction time, in a marvelous chain reaction! Try to catch as ...


DescriptionStrive is a location based employment app focused on the under-served hourly employment market in Denver, CO.- Job seekers can search for j...

Whoosh On

Listen and watch as the machines go whoosh, whirr and slosh!Kids aged 6-24 months love vacuum cleaners, washing machines and anything with a button to...