好樣思維vvg thinking菜單


This App is a quick guide to the six hats tool developed by Edward de Bono.Six Thinking Hats is designed as a tools to help people in the decision mak...

Think English

Learn English - the fun way! Watch videos, complete grammar and vocabulary quizzes, then record and practise your speaking.♥ 3 lessons free! ♥ You can...

Think Digital

You got a sticker from Innov’IT 2014 challenge?  Use the Think Digital app to play with it in Augmented Reality and discover how this technology could...

群英天下 我就是經典

比經典更經典!三國手遊顛峰之作《群英天下》挑戰經典 再戰群英!比經典更經典!睽違已久,終於等到!台灣玩家最感動的三國回憶!三國手遊顛峰之作《群英天下》終於問世!挑戰群英經典,最轟動的三國手機遊戲登場,激戰沙場,巔峰對決上演曠世之戰,神妙佈陣於指尖,制勝克敵退千軍神!群英集結,橫縱千萬小兵,最浩大的點...