***2014最时尚的自拍美妆应用强势来袭*** 亲爱的,别告诉我你还在用美图秀秀磨皮! 今年夏天,我们将颠覆自拍定义,绝对让你美到没朋友好不好! 只需一键,让你完成瘦脸!嫩肤!化妆! ***【一键美妆】*** 精准人脸定位,让你一键丢掉暗沉,散发迷人气质。 ***【美白瘦脸】*** 夏天晒黑了也不...
***2014最时尚的自拍美妆应用强势来袭*** 亲爱的,别告诉我你还在用美图秀秀磨皮! 今年夏天,我们将颠覆自拍定义,绝对让你美到没朋友好不好! 只需一键,让你完成瘦脸!嫩肤!化妆! ***【一键美妆】*** 精准人脸定位,让你一键丢掉暗沉,散发迷人气质。 ***【美白瘦脸】*** 夏天晒黑了也不...
在夏季到来的时候,MM们需要格外注意保养,晚上洗脸后,用橙子皮或者橙子果泥涂在脸上,可以防止皮肤干燥,令皮肤水当当的; 保养好皮肤,必备的保养化妆品需要准备什么,有些人依赖名牌保养品,有些人喜欢自己动手DIY,不管你是哪一种,有些保养小常识,爱美的你一定要知道! 应用收集了肌肤保养相关的八大主题:保...
Candyland is a live wallpaper that animates different sorts of sweet candy with many special faetures.+ rotation by touch+ nine different sorts of can...
Violet Lucency is a live wallpaper which animates different violet and blue shapes. By rotating a beautiful, abstract picture evolves.This is a free t...
Colorselektor is an intuitive color selection tool suitable for designers, artists and programmers for selecting colors using different layout models....
Magic Contraction is a live wallpaper which animates laser light rays shining through thick clouds. These are surrounded by a green aura. You can also...
The gummy bear oracle is a funny and entertaining game of chance. Draw five bears and learn all about your future!The color combination tells you ever...
Pool Bouncer live wallpaper features billard balls rolling across a virtual table and bouncing against each other. You can choose between red, blue or...