
Bus Plana

Bus Plana. La mejor manera de viajar desde el aeropuerto hasta tu destino en la Costa Dorada.Con esta App podrás:•Consultar horarios y comprar tu bill...

Halifax Bus

Halifax Bus app is my contribution to the community of Halifax; now you’ll never miss the bus again. The best part about this app is that you can easi...


FotoRus - THE All-In-One Photo App you will ever need!Including Professional Edit, Beauty, Special Effects, Sticker, Secret Album, and InstaMag!【Stick...

舒壓按摩DIY HD

常常覺得肩膀僵硬丶眼睛酸澀丶雙腳腫脹? 長期坐辦公室丶開車丶走路或站立,造成身體某些部位僵硬酸痛,只要花五分鐘,以日常生活中常見的工具或素材,進行自我按摩經絡,以達解鬱紓壓功效,對於有壓力的現代人是相當實用的。 內容單元包括: 一丶按摩常用手法,搭配影片示範,更容易理解 二丶紓壓按摩部位,包含頭部丶...