

经常听到: 被中介骗了,押金不退,晚一天交房租,被讹了。 租房普遍现象: 网上报价不真实?经常被忽悠!(看房时报价都比网上高!) 证件不齐全,被骗过!(其实根本不是房东啦!) 看房前态度都很热情! 签约之后态度骤变! 入住后家电维修只能靠自己! 房屋到期,押金各种被勒索! 现在开始,你来改变这一切!...

MobDJ Venue

***************************************************************************NOTE: This app is only for use by venues wishing to offer the Mob DJ servic...


Mob DJ combines the best features of a jukebox, auctions and hyper local dating, to create an entirely new experience where patrons of social venues u...


Para os usuários que gostam de comprar ou vender pelo INSTAGRAM E FACEBOOK é ferramenta ideal, ele pode postar um item no MOBDEAL e ao mesmo tempo pos...