

Webz is a dynamic new puzzle game, with over 20,000 (!!!) colorful and challenging puzzles. A simple one tap gameplay and an intuitive hint system ma...

Webz Free

Webz Free is a dynamic new puzzle game, with over 1,000 colorful and challenging puzzles. A simple one tap gameplay and an intuitive hint system make...


WebGolf ® è il Social Network, Fornitore della Federazione Italiana Golf con migliaia di golfisti tesserati F.I.G. iscritti.Con l'iscrizione gratuita,...


WebWars is a remake of the classic Vectrex game of the same name. You are Captain Narzod, pilot of the Hawk King! Fly down the digital web in search o...

WebWars Free

WebWars is a remake of the classic Vectrex game of the same name. You are Captain Narzod, pilot of the Hawk King! Fly down the digital web in search o...

WEB-CAB・SPI ひたすら5択暗算トレーニング

「WEB-CAB・SPI ひたすら5択暗算トレーニング」就職試験のCAB、SPIの「暗算」学習ソフトです。 5つある答えの中から正しいものを選びます。 同じ問題でも、問題の選択肢はランダムで位置が変わるため 書籍や解説本よりも効率的な学習ができます。 解答後、即、◎か×で答えがわかります。 不正解の...

WEB-CAB 法則性トレーニング 無料版
