
夏威夷吉他 Real Ukulele

夏威夷吉他Real Ukulele是4弦迷你吉他模拟应用程序,拥有友好的用户界面和超棒的音质。所有音符都由夏威夷四弦琴现场演奏录制而成。有了真正四弦琴的帮助,你可以轻松地弹奏、快拨和猛拨琴弦,演奏各种难度的音乐,并找出你最喜欢的曲调、即兴演奏段和歌曲或创作出你自己的乐曲。你可以学习并掌握和弦及韵律,...

Beam Design

Design & Analysis of Rectangular Beam with Community Chatting Features.This is Live project, you can request additional requirement if feasible by con...

Build Shetland

Looking to hire a skilled and experienced construction firm based in the Shetland Isles Need someone to carry out a refurbishment on a domestic proper...

Beam Design Lite

Design & Analysis of Rectangular Beam with Community Chatting Features.This is Free Version Of Design & Analysis of Rectangular Beam, Thus Some featur...

Beam It

Beam It! allows you to wirelessly send (or beam!) your contact information to another device.Choose a contact card from your address book and JUST BEA...