

Brief IntroductionSpecially designed for GO Launcher EX, provides delicate app icons, wallpapers, folder and app drawer interface. Get it right now an...


MyPages lets you to swipe through your favorite websites. Your best loved magazines, newspapers or social websites are displayed side by side and you...

My Party

Versatile party planner and event organizer, helpful when organizing small and medium size parties gatherings.Contains shopping list, todo list, quant...


霸王菜——上海美食省钱达人的专属。 团购,在此终结! 摇一摇,吃免费菜! 立即,你得到了免费的餐厅招牌“霸王菜”; 同时,你购买到了超低折扣的“现金券”; 并且,你只按了3个键就“搞定餐位”。 没有滥竽充数的菜肴和歧视待遇; 没有强行搭配的套餐; 没有不合时的提前预订; 只要, 摇我!!! 小贴士:...


Pravopis je hra, v níž si můžete otestovat své znalosti českeho jazyka. Klikněte na místo rámované tečkovaným obdélníkem a vyberte jednu z možností. P...