这是一个很有诗意的游戏,在花园的草丛中有一些小石头,你要做的是要把相同颜色的石头连成一片.开始的时候可能随便拖拉几下就过关了,而随着不断过关,难度不断增加,越来越复杂,就需要你好好统筹了.设计得相当不错的游戏,尤其是气氛渲染的特别的恬静!强烈推荐! [温馨提示] 本游戏为英文版; 游戏需要flash...
这是一个很有诗意的游戏,在花园的草丛中有一些小石头,你要做的是要把相同颜色的石头连成一片.开始的时候可能随便拖拉几下就过关了,而随着不断过关,难度不断增加,越来越复杂,就需要你好好统筹了.设计得相当不错的游戏,尤其是气氛渲染的特别的恬静!强烈推荐! [温馨提示] 本游戏为英文版; 游戏需要flash...
桃米位於南投縣埔里鎮,是中潭公路旁的小山村。九二一地震後,桃米在政府、學界、社會、社區居民及非營利組織的跨界合作下,從豐沛的家園山水出發,循著教育學習—觀念改變—行動實踐的策略,朝向生態村的願景而努力。 桃米的魅力,繽紛而深邃。在這裡,您可以擁抱生態——白天欣賞蜻蛉天空漫舞;入夜,與青蛙王子在溪澗相...
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We all have different hobbies and like different things. If you like tv shows and movies, in this App you will find quizzes about your favorite TV-sho...
Solitare starting to get dull? Need something a little more stimulating than a card game? Try the classic version of minesweeper. This is the free, ad...
Quick Notes allows you to quickly and easily write notes, modify and share it! These notes will remain even if you leave the screen or the app. They...
Volete perdere qualche kg ma siete vegetariani, vegani o semplicemente amanti della cucina vegetariana e non trovate una dieta che segua un’alimentazi...
Appassionati di Gossip Girl? Non vedete l'ora che andra' in onda il prossimo episodio? Questo quiz vi allietera' l'attesa proponendovi...
You do not know ... Block Ultimate?! It is one of the most famous games made in the 80s where you have to create a horizontal line of blocks without i...
Vero o falso?Il genere di Quiz più famoso di tutti i tempi arriva finalmente su Play Store!Più di 500 domande di cultura generale, dalla matematica al...