

会议助理是四川省移动公司基于短彩信、WEB、APP客户端形式向集团客户提供从会前安排、会中管理、会后服务的全程会务管理产品,旨在帮助集团客户及时、快捷、高效、全面的管理日常会议,体现移动会务的优势。 (1)您的信息平台 通过会议助理WEB平台快速发布会议信息。参会代表可通过手机会议助理进行移动查阅会...

You Win

YOU WIN! The words we all want to see.Two player game to settle all arguments.You Win! is the definite tool to for those situations when you disagree....


You-Moved is an addictive new game using the unique iPhone tilt features. The object of the game is to hold the iPhone and to see how far you can walk...