

这是一款独特的数学教育软件一种全新的与宝宝沟通方式,尽在宝贝算算数!数学是孩子从小教育必不可少的一门学科,本软件适用于学龄前,幼儿园以及小学低年级的孩子使用.数字算数部分,有加法运算,减法运算以及加减法综合运算的训练,培养孩子的学习兴趣,为孩子创造一个美好的未来! V1.4.3更新内容: 1,添加公...

Soccer Kick Off

A flappy game like the original bird game, but this time for real soccer fans!kick, kick, kick ...Fight for the top spot in a public leaderboard and c...

Alien Swarm

Blast swarms of aliens as they try to attack you. Fight tough bosses along the way. But be aware that the aliens are getting smarter as you venture de...