

依據當初「送不出去的國書」的歷史背景,清廷推動君主立憲並未成功,因此規劃B計畫,需要玩家分別在紫禁城中著名的三個地點:乾清宮、養心殿的三希堂以及漱芳齋的多寶格,尋找國書遺留下來的歷史碎片。將他們一一找出後復原成完整的國書,並順利將國書送出去完成B計畫。According to the history...

Lock Secure

* This app does not actually lock the phone from use. Lock Secure identify intruders with taking their photos. Secure your iPhone and iPod. Featuring ...

Drivve Print

The Drivve Print app for iPhone / iPad is one of the most powerful mobile printing apps available today for business users. Drivve Print allows you to...