

《因为爱情有奇迹》(又名《家的味道》)是一部由内地以及台湾两 岸合拍的都市爱情青春励志大剧《因为爱情有奇迹》讲述的是出生平凡大家庭中的安琪媛(赵韩樱子饰)是个乖巧懂事又贤惠的女孩,母亲去世得早,因而自小与父亲安向东(赵胜胜饰)以及姥姥潘素芬(徐玉兰饰)、姥爷梁永顺(王志华饰)生活在一起,家中经营着祖...

WTF Free

WTF is a quiz that wants to ask you what the hidden pictures or shapes are. You have to look into the 3D images( Stereogram) and answer what the hidde...

WTF Full

WTF is a quiz that wants to ask you what the hidden pictures or shapes are. You have to look into the 3D images( Stereogram) and answer what the hidde...