行動嘉藥(CHNA APP)「行動嘉藥」是由嘉南藥理大學所規劃設計, 運用智慧型手機與校園雲端機房等技術, 讓學生、教職員與校友隨時隨地掌握校園訊息, 也提供大眾也可透行動載具,全方位與多元的方式來認識嘉南藥理大學及校園周邊環境。 功能項目: 1.最新消息:同步首頁公告、學生與教職員資訊網公告,並可...
行動嘉藥(CHNA APP)「行動嘉藥」是由嘉南藥理大學所規劃設計, 運用智慧型手機與校園雲端機房等技術, 讓學生、教職員與校友隨時隨地掌握校園訊息, 也提供大眾也可透行動載具,全方位與多元的方式來認識嘉南藥理大學及校園周邊環境。 功能項目: 1.最新消息:同步首頁公告、學生與教職員資訊網公告,並可...
嘉藥ePortfolio「嘉藥ePortfolio」是由嘉南藥理科技大學所規劃設計, 運用智慧型手機與校園雲端機房等技術, 讓學生隨時隨地掌握自我學習歷程。 功能項目: 1.校園生活:提供求學經歷、工作經驗、語言能力、專業證照、生涯目標、學習狀況、中文自傳、自我認識2.課外活動:提供社團經歷、語文訓...
Ứng dụng Dạy Bé Tập Đếm giúp bé học đếm và nhận biết các số đếm cơ bản trong toán học đồng thời luyện cho các bé sự tinh mắt và nhạy bén thông...
The Number Games for Kids is a timed matching game. You have 100 seconds to link all the numbers.Another thrilling feature to the Number games that ma...
The Colors Matching Game is a timed matching game. You have 100 seconds to link all the cards.Another thrilling feature to the color games for kid tha...
Atlanta, GA based online radio station (streaming 24/7); Basically we are tired of the typical programming on mainstream radio and the goal is to be t...
Application to select and view videos distributed by AllegroU.Provision for uploading videos.Viewing Live videos (requires Android 4.0 and above).Comm...
You can send an SMS with a link to a Google map with a static image and a link to the dynamic map with a marker on your current location.Allow you cho...
Crazy CowAlso a super spoof of milking the game, you come to experience the unique physiological responses milking?If you are a geek, if you are a per...
King knife:Are you confident with your knife skills? Come to accept the challenge? Are you an idealist? Can you make every cut even. In daily life, ar...