名人演講 speech 中英對照


這是一個新聞/博客閱讀器,功能:- 可以添加自己喜歡的新聞/博客訂閱,可以通過OPML格式文件批量添加。- 包括了數百個最流行熱門的新聞/博客來源- 可以一鍵更新所有新聞。- 新聞自動下載到手機裡面可以進行離線閱讀。- 可以使用音量上下鍵來翻閱新聞頻道和文章。- 使用like和dislike按鈕來對...


- 马云、李开复带你走进思想的世界,聆听最有力量的声音; - 汇集众多中外名人的演讲录音,高清音质,让您仿佛亲临现场,感受演讲者豪迈的激情; - 支持一键下载全辑,轻松一点,即刻免费拥有最值钱的高阶思想课程; - 支持定时关闭功能,尤其适合睡前听; - 省流量,不花钱,边走边听,新时代听演讲的最新方...


听纯正英文名人演讲,轻松学地道英语,奥巴马演讲、Ted演讲、名校励志演讲、牛津演讲、希拉里之声,沪江听力酷英语名人演讲汇总时下热门流行的英语演讲,政治、经济、教育全面覆盖,让你掌握地道美语表达! 谁说学习不能酷?Android沪江听力酷,给你酷的理由! ● 海量听力素材 互联网上最大的听力资源库 ●...

Speech Therapy

A Huge Articles About Speech Article in this app. Speech therapy is basically a treatment that people of all ages can undergo through, to fix their sp...


Speech is simple app for transform voice to text or text to speech, The app uses Androids built-in speech recognizer to turn speech into text ,The app...

Voice Jammer

Try to talk while hearing your own voice at a slight delay! The Voice Jammer adds a slight delay to the your voice which causes many people to stutter...


Just try to talk with this app on, it won't be easy! NOTE: Please use headphones. SpeechJammer inhibits speech on the user, thanks to the Delayed Audi...