

◎ 帶領小綿羊逃離陰森的高塔 ◎原本平靜和樂的綿羊村,在壞心腸的殭屍入侵後一夕改變...殭屍綁架了小綿羊。小綿羊被殭屍綁架後,被鎖在了高塔上,準備作為祭品。終於,小綿羊從陰暗潮濕的牢房中逃了出來;但卻又不小心誤觸機關,只見天花板的電壓機不斷向小綿羊逼近,小綿羊必須不斷向下移動避免慘遭噩運。玩家需左右...

Speedy Andy

Andy is a naughty car. He always drive recklessly and does not obey the rules on the road. He once almost smashed up with Mr. Wheeler, Kelly and Joey....

Mr. Wheeler

Mr.Wheeler works very hard every day. He never skips a day of work or sneaks for a second. One day, he worked almost round the clock. He was so tired ...

Razy Kelly

In a formula one race, Razy Kelly bumped into the fire during an accident that she had to withdraw from the match. She does not enjoy racing on the tr...