台灣舞孃 兩廳院


LiA band app the new way of interacting with the band during shows,with lyrics,light show and camera.Also includes chat-em-app a social compatibility ...


LIA enables field teams to sell better using Android Tablets. LIA is a sleek and secure platform supported by a cloud based Digital Asset Manager (DAM...


Lia is your personal travel assistant in your pocket. With a quick three-step booking process, choosing a flight or booking a hotel has never been eas...


一個才華洋溢的鋼管舞女郎,從鄉下獨自到五光十色的大都市追逐她的達人秀夢想,命運讓她在努力中一步步攀上高峰,而經紀人的陰謀又讓她失去所有的希望,當達人秀的總決賽一天天的逼近,她的唯一舞伴竟然是一個失去一條腿的小丑! 《臺灣舞孃》是創意大師范可欽首度跨界舞台劇的精采大秀,籌備18個月,耗資8000萬,是...