台新e-bill 全國繳費網


為充份利用網際網路的便利優勢,提供民眾一個超越時間與地理的限制,可以即時繳付多家事業機構之帳單,中華民國銀行商業同業公會整合各金融機構及事業單位推出『全國繳費網』( https://ebill.ba.org.tw ),於現有金融機構及事業單位間委託代收作業基礎下,擴充現行各項代收管道,提供民眾更便捷...

Bill Hunter

Bill Hunter is an easy way to track your bills: electricity, water, heating, phone, internet, TV - anything you like! It allows you to compare and kee...


E-nummers zijn voedingsadditieven, die door de Europese commissie zijn toegestaan. Echter, niet alle toegestane additieven zijn gezond of veilig. Deze...


e_ScutSheet is a light weight productivity tool for MD doctors, Medical Students and Nurses in a hospital setting. e_ScutSheet is actually an electron...