

吃膩了大魚大肉,偶爾也該換點清淡口味了。 《點10成金》又一個讓手停不下來的休閒遊戲,我們不是點石,也不是點食,是點1+9,2+3+5,3+7,1+7+2... ...得10。玩法簡單易上手,看誰順眼就點誰。 遊戲規則: 1.[時間模式]30秒內消除最多答案等於10的方塊; 2.[無限模式]可以消除...


吃腻了大鱼大肉,偶尔也该换点清淡口味了。《点10成金》又一个让手停不下来的休闲游戏,我们不是点石 ,也不是点食,是点1+9,2+3+5,3+7,1+7+2......得10。玩法简单易上手,看谁顺眼就点谁。 游戏规则: 1.[时间模式]30秒内消除最多答案等于10的方块; 2.[无限模式]可以消除方...


ONE CLICK is all you need to find an ATM.Search near you or in airports, banks, convenience stores, grocery stores, hotels, restaurants and more.No wa...

mBank SK

Aplikácia mBank SK je pohodlný nástroj, ktorý umožní klientom mBank prístup k ich účtom, kartám, pôžičkám, vkladom a investíciám. Vďaka našej aplikáci...


Amen is a service for creating and sharing opinions about the extraordinary things in life. Take a stand about the best or worst people, places, thing...

Postcard Maker

---Free for limited time - untile end of October 2011 only ---- Want to show your friends where you are? Just take one picture of yours and the app wi...