

土地法务客户端是由冀港律师事务所为广大用户提供的一款专门针对土地法务应用平台。在平台里您可以了解到详细的有关土地方面的法律知识,同时还包括了许多有关土地法务方面的专业律师以及各地的律师事务所等等。 软件中"拨打电话"功能是跟手机拨打电话一样,拔打收费。不拔打不收费用的。“发送短信”功能和“拨打电话”...

C3 2014

*** FOR MEETING ATTENDEES ONLY *** The C3 2014 mobile application allows you to browse presentation abstracts and speakers, as well as access availabl...

C3 2015

The C3 2015mobile application allows you to view the schedule, exhibitors and speaker details from the C3 2015 Global Summit. Users can take notes adj...