
菜市场 [中文]

二十四节气之菜市场1. 一款有信息的菜价应用24节气之菜市场可以查询全国三十多个省,近3000个菜市场的肉、蛋、菜价,及时更新;2. 一款有学问的食材应用不知道食材的食用禁忌,不了解食材的营养价值?24节气之菜市场为你一一解答,蔬菜、水果、畜禽等等食材介绍一个都不能少;3. 一款有内涵的节气应用不知...

Go 菜市場

在萬物皆漲但薪水未漲的現代社會中,如何降低家庭中的支出開銷,似乎已成了家家戶戶所關注的話題。 雖然現在大多數的上班族或是學生仍然以外食為主,但也有不少人選擇自備餐盒,一來較為經濟,二來也較為衛生,食材的來源不外乎傳統市場或者是超市,那麼該如何選擇才能夠符合經濟效應,而且又獲得最大的營養價值? 在此...


Qvoto is a video messaging app designed for business. Qvoto lets you quickly create and send personal video messages that alert you when they are view...


A Web-based, virtual remote. Revolutionize interactivity with this user-friendly, interactive utility/application that allows students and teachers to...


Businesses use the Qwasi App and Mojo Cloud Engine to provide customers with secure mobile communications, offers, and engagements. Qwasi is an omnich...


QuikPO lets you place purchase orders from anywhere (on a building site, in a warehouse, in a trench, on a roof!) in under a minute. This app is a sim...