

"悟八净"是悟空,八戒,悟净的嫡传弟子,是在取经回程的路上所发现的孤儿,并由三人一起扶养长 大.由于天资聪颖,很快的就学会三人的武学精随,行走江湖闯出了点名堂.就在"玄奘"取回经书,开始四处弘扬佛法后,一股埋藏在经文里的"负面能量"也悄 悄的开始蠢蠢欲动."玄奘" 虽有意识到此能量的存在,却对其无所...

Near Contact

Smart way to exchange contact. When you near friend and you want to exchange contact with your friend. You can use this app for exchange contact with ...

Near Secure

IMPORTANTE: Esta App sólo sirve con el dispositivo iHere (Near & Secure). La App se encarga de que tu celular o tablet esté siempre cerca de tus demás...

Ne Yakar

"Ne Yakar?" size A noktasından B noktasına kaç KM yol gideceğinizi, yolculuğun kaç saat süreceğini ve ortalama ne kadar yakıt ücreti ödeyeceğinizi gös...

Dry Eyes

Manages your drops for Dry Eye and inflammation, while tracking symptoms and compliance to give the patient and physician a better understanding of wh...