

滋味香浓、勾人食欲的咖喱饭,是秋天必尝的平民美食,看似简单的咖喱酱,往往蕴藏师傅的独家秘方,再搭配不同食材,让人一口接一口,一下子就盘底朝天。 咖喱巨匠是位在高雄市河堤社区的日式咖喱专卖店,店家向在日本开咖喱店的亲戚学习,延用正统日式做法,经过多道程序调制出浓郁日式咖喱,除了原味咖喱,还有椰奶、甜味...

B block

This is a square elimination game. You may move the squares on the screen and join them together. As along as the number reaches 4 or above (horizonta...

B W Cities

* B&W; Cities - a new generation of PUZZLE GAMES and GEOGRAPHY EDUCATION *Each puzzle contains a silhouette of a city. Do you recognize it? Then try t...