捷運招考題庫 台北捷運 桃園捷運適用
== 考試簡介 == 台北捷運為因應將大台北地區打造成「1小時生活圈」之計畫,台北捷運公司以平均每年一條線的速度完工通車,屆時隨著各線陸續通車,台北捷運公司將階段性釋出職缺。台北捷運為台北市政府轉投資公司,官股佔6成,工作環境及待遇穩定,薪資從2.5萬元至4.4萬餘元,錄取率僅約4%。桃園捷運桃園捷...
== 考試簡介 == 台北捷運為因應將大台北地區打造成「1小時生活圈」之計畫,台北捷運公司以平均每年一條線的速度完工通車,屆時隨著各線陸續通車,台北捷運公司將階段性釋出職缺。台北捷運為台北市政府轉投資公司,官股佔6成,工作環境及待遇穩定,薪資從2.5萬元至4.4萬餘元,錄取率僅約4%。桃園捷運桃園捷...
您的隨身捷運報通勤族所需要的新聞應用程式,周一至周五整理各報重要新聞,在早中晚各主要時段提供最重要和最有趣的新聞,包括了頭條、影劇、體育、社會,並且時時更新的即時新聞、財經指數,以及各種好康資訊、天氣訊息;周末更會針對當周最夯的新聞以及消費、娛樂等資訊作完整的整理。l 男版、女版、周末版:針對男女使...
Test your knowledge of soccer and the world cup. Beat each level to move to the next! Includes categories on soccer terms, league play, and the World ...
*YOU MUST BUY PHONEFRAZE PRO or U TO PLAY THIS GAME*This is a word list/theme addon pack for PhoneFraze (Pro and U Editions).Test your knowledge of co...
A customized Catch phrase and taboo-like game just for Vanderbilt University!Play with 4-20+ friends as you try to describe and guess the phrases to e...
«Маленькие трагедии» — цикл коротких пьес А. С. Пушкина, состоит из четырех произведений:«Скупой рыцарь»;«Моцарт и Сальери»;«Каменный гость»;«Пир во в...
Food companies use a bewildering range of terms and claims to encourage us to buy their products. But what do they really mean – and are they even tru...
WITS? As in What's In This Stuff? Use the barcode scanner to scan a grocery product and see the ingredient list! You can then learn more about wha...
Hell’s Legionnaire by L. Ron Hubbard (unabridged) is presented to you by Galaxy Audio in this multicast audiobook edition with original music and cine...
Dead Men Kill by L. Ron Hubbard (unabridged) is presented to you by Galaxy Audio in this multicast audiobook edition with original music and cinematic...