
Color Map

It has been confirmed that with four kinds of color,you can draw a world map. In this game,you can use the four kinds of color to fill the map in the ...

3D 八极拳

八极拳是风格独特的中国武术,重视技击与实用,自古至今一直是元首侍卫队必习拳法。 本程序以3D动作捕捉技术截取八极拳高手的套路动作, 加以后置成3D互动程序, 让用户可以现代3D数字科技所提供的观点来了解与认识这门武术。程序中包含了入门小八极拳与进阶大八极拳, 这两套拳可以说是八极拳代表性套路, 非常...

Sushi Slots

Play the Sushi Slots. Ancient art of Japanese cuisine – as pure as Fuji snow. Inspiring music – as delicate as harmony. Realistic graphics – as big as...