台北市廣告業經營人協會 理事長


台北市法拉利車主協進會(FCT, 以下簡稱協會)成立於2009年,經台北市政府社會局核准立案的社會團體。提供服務:一、【例行車駕活動】為增進會員間情誼,協會每月固定舉行2~3次車駕活動。會員在預先規劃的路線上,與車友們一同享受馳騁的樂趣。除了車駕外,協會也不斷創新,在旅途中為會員安排參觀各項藝文活動...



4A Audit

Bienvenue chez 4A Audit !Pour mieux vous accompagner, nous vous proposons une application à portée de main pour unegestion de votre dossier en ligne 7...

House Floor Plans

House Floor Plans, This app will helps you to get unique information on House Floor Plans.You’ve been dreaming of your home for years. You’ve imagined...

Signal Booster

Worrying about low Network Signals? Are you at a place where there is low network?Do you want to get better network signal? Do you want to get stronge...

Software Updates

Make your Android awesome! This is the Android tutorial to show that how you can update your Android device manually step by step. Here I show you how...