
N 次元 免费大白

越玩越好玩的益智游戏,刚开始可能你觉得有点困难,等玩几把你慢慢找到些规则后就觉得玩这个游戏如果感受人生百态一样有意思,玩一个礼拜后你的智商和情商都会提高。 游戏的音乐也是一大特色,不同的元素对应的不同的音色,比如红色“1”是一串很好的架子鼓节奏,玩滑动手指的时候注意一下节奏就能奏出美妙的音乐,其他的...


Improve Sensory Memory & Working Memory using N'Back.◆Flash Mode / Slow Mode / Step ModeTap the number key matches the one from N steps earlier in the...

N's Maze

N's maze is easy to play maze game.just tilt your iphone or ipod to move your ball through the labyrinth to the goal. just start and have fun.간단한 미로 게...


N-body challenges you to find a way to send a planet to its goal in a series of solar systems ranging from single stars, binary systems and then to so...