

「明報出版社」成立於一九八六年,經過多年來的發展,出版社已由單一出版流行圖書轉型為綜合性出版,成為香港少數具規模的出版社。 「明報出版社」以出版政治、經濟、歷史及學術專題的叢書為主,近年出版社為配合讀者興趣和需要,推出多本大型圖書及畫冊;其姊妹公司「明窗」及「日閱堂」則出版流行之消閒性書籍及實用知識...

Quakes NZ

Quickly check the latest detected or felt earthquakes in New Zealand, quickly compare intensity, magnitude and depth and tap to view their location.免費...

Ray White NZ News

The Ray White New Zealand news app provides updated information on events and news from the 130 office network of the Ray White New Zealand Group. It ...