台北 avon 雅芳門市電話


You're lost in space and you don't have much fuel and ammunition left.Your goal is to arrive safely home, although a sudden meteor shower is blocking ...


休闲创意小游戏,可以静静的戴上耳机,跟着音乐的旋律,体会流星雨的绚丽。 黑暗,孤寂,却在与地表划过的那一瞬,璀璨绚丽,绽放自己。 我们的爱情,是否会想起,是否和流星一样逝去。 尽管转眼即逝,我们却依然相信有奇迹,带上一颗真诚的心,体会我们一起看过的流星雨。 每次玩这个游戏,心都跟着颤抖,让我们一起颤...


When you want to say something to someone, you usually talk to that person, make a phone call, or send a text message. Sometimes, you really want to a...