台中ibike app


CoBike is a complete on-board cycling computer that shows you your current, average and max speed, distance, accumulated distance, distance to home, t...


In each issue we'll help you celebrate your love of cycling in the most rewarding way possible... By making you even better at it. From expert adv...


主要功能如下:1.搜尋路線路線輸入鍵盤,加速使用者找到公車的效率。2.附近站牌可立即看到附近的站牌,及其經過的路線與到站時間。3.路線規劃使用 Google Directions API 規劃路徑,可提供多種大眾運輸工具的不同路線。4.常用站牌使用者自訂的站牌清單,也提供了群組分類功能。== 其他特...