
逢甲影音 FLIPr

《逢甲大學 Feng Chia University -- 官方 app》內容特色 -逢甲大學積極創新與突破,迎接新媒體時代。跳脫傳統教學模式,"逢甲影音" 提供熱愛學習的您,跨越時間、地點、空間的多螢幕互動體驗!暢快地上下左右翻翻逛逛,"逢甲影音" 是行動教室,更是您無所不在的學習雲。啟動您的各種...


By ReadItLaterlist when you find something you want to read, but you don't have time, yo mark it as "Read Later" and come back when you have time…...

Good Night

Goodnight quote images are usually sent as a good night greeting. some buddies like to send funny good night jokes. some prefer to send good night mes...


If you feel that somebody loves you and/or If you want to know he/she still loves you, you are in right place! Here "LoveMeLite"!It's real! You ca...