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解放您的双手双眼,重新定义车载收听! 从您的安全角度出发,分贝不追求片面的多而全,只为您选择感兴趣的内容。 简洁的进入界面,操作直接,快速找到您想要的内容,让您的驾乘更安全! 分贝会随时告诉您最新资讯、互联网动态,分贝可以找到您感兴趣的历史、经济、亲子等方面的知识,也可以找到您喜欢的音乐、相声、评书...
《石之都 もちかえりダンジョン石の都》是一款简单的RPG游戏。怀旧的RPG战斗方式,简单的操作,给你还原最原始的RPG乐趣。被人们称为【技之石】的石头是掌握世界的钥匙,其拥有不可思议的力量。利用石头,打到敌人,让自己成长,并且发展小镇吧。敌人种类超过70种,超过100种物品,简单好玩的RPG等着你的...
The Sensors Fusion Mission Computer application illustrates, for educational purposes, how tactile interactivity concepts are brought into the fighter...
The Glass Cockpit Primary Flight Display (PFD) application illustrates, for educational purposes, how tactile, multi-touch, interactivity concepts are...
Southeast Aerospace, Inc. extensive avionics parts sales catalog with pricing, features, specifications, and images for avionics from many manufacture...
Search for aircraft parts and repair capabilities, request quotes or contact our Parts Reps for assistance.Duncan Aviation is an aircraft parts distri...
Birding is set to change. Forever‘I have seen the future - it is Helm e-field guides, and they will revolutionise birding’ (Dominic Mitchell, Editor, ...
BTO Ringers Info: an app to help bird ringers, nest recorders and scientists check the correct ring sizes/codes to use for each bird species ringed in...
***UK and Ireland BirdTrack Records Only***An app to collect lists and casual records for BirdTrack users within the UK and Ireland. Records can be co...